Friday, October 7, 2011

Beautiful tribute to Steve Jobs from a fellow countryman

On the day of Steve Job's passing away, I am in Hong Kong.  By lunchtime on Thursday, people were handing out free newspaper on the street making tributes of this genius.  Even my 6-year-old nephew asked me with a serious concern, "would we have any more iPhones?" 

Steve Jobs' passing away aroused so much emotion and beautiful words about him that I could not but marvel at this man's influence on our daily lives.  I am particularly proud of this beautiful logo created by Jonathan Mak, a 19-year old student from Hong Kong, as a tribute to Steve Job.  Jonathan created this in August to honour Steve Jobs' departure from Apple.  With Jonathan's reposting of this logo on his blog upon Steve Jobs' death, he received 180,000 notes in one day and several job offers later because of his beautiful and thoughtful design.  He said that any funds raised because of this logo would be donated for cancer research.  Like him, I am a late adopter of Apples' products, but the impact on my life has been tremendous.

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